A Practical Approach of Market Positioning for Retail—Using the Novel Group Decision Approach
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2015.54007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,340  浏览: 6,905 
作者: 李 智:国立中山大学,台湾 高雄市
关键词: 商品定位策略规划群体决策波特五力Market Positioning Strategic Planning Group Decision Porter’s Five Forces
摘要: 零售业向来竞争激烈,一者面临来自同业竞争者之经营压力,再者又须面对运用创新科技所带来之新零售业态;另一方面从商品提供者角度来看,商品差异化有限,消费者议价能力强,挤压已然微利之获利空间等;均需要清楚定位通路与商品,以较精准之营销作为赢得消费者青睐。然而,业者习惯于以主观方式定位通路与商品,非但不容易取得决策参与者共识,亦增加测试市场风险;为此,本文提出一套具有理论基础,可操作之通路与商品定位分析模型,辅以群体决策机制,以提高定位质量,进而增加业者获利能力。
Abstract: The retail industry is a highly competitive business facing the challenges from the rivals of within the industry and the emerging retailing innovated by the technologies. On the other hand, from the perspective of the commodity providers, the product differentiation is limited, the bargaining power of the consumers is strong, inevitably shrink the already-thin profitability. Both the retailer and the commodity provider require the clear market position of their services and the product as well to attract the consumers with perceived-precision. However, in many occasions, the approach of market positioning is subjective; it is not easy to reach the consensus and less convincing among the participants of the strategy planning team, and thus increasing the risks of testing the market. This article presents a practical group-decision market positioning approach with the theory behind to improve the quality of positioning and consequently to amplify the profitability.
文章引用:李智. 零售通路之商品市场定位实务—运用新颖式群体决策机制[J]. 现代市场营销, 2015, 5(4): 49-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2015.54007


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