Health Preservation and Promotion Practice and Its Modern Significance of Chen Yingning and His Apprentice Hu Haiya
DOI: 10.12677/CnC.2016.42002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,627  浏览: 7,384 
作者: 程志立:中国中医科学院中国医史文献研究所,北京;赵明宇, 曹向阳:河南省洛阳正骨医院郑州分院,河南 郑州;程志强*:中日友好医院中西医结合肿瘤内科,北京
关键词: 陈撄宁胡海牙养生实践现代意义Chen Yingning Hu Haiya Health Preservation and Promotion Practice Modern Significance
摘要: 陈撄宁(1880~1969)先生是我国杰出的养生学家,他所倡导的仙学养生和静功疗养法在上世纪曾经广泛传播,海内外影响巨大,一些名医、名流乃至高级领导人都曾与他有过学习交流,以至于被称为新仙学养生学派。他的学术传承人胡海牙(1914~2013)先生是我国当代名老中医,他继承和发扬陈撄宁仙学养生的思想,立足于中医养生理论体系,借鉴道家养生方术和内丹修炼理论和方法,在陈撄宁先生静功疗养法的基础上,经过自身长期实践体验,总结提炼出了“听皮肤呼吸”的养生法门,在海内外影响广泛。在当前我国医疗体制尚不完善、老龄化日益加剧、环境日益恶化、医疗模式逐渐转变、健康服务亟待加强和民族文化亟需重建的状况下,他们师徒二人的亲身实践与养生成果无疑具有十分重要的现实意义。
Abstract: Mr. Chen Yingning (1880-1969) was an outstanding health scientist of China. Immortal regimen and Static Gong Convalescence method that he advocated had been widely spread in the last cen-tury, which had huge influence at home and abroad, and some famous doctors, celebrities and even senior leaders had studied and communicated with him. So he is called new immortal health school. His academic inheritor, Mr. Hu Haiya (1914-2013), was a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the modern century. He inherited and carried forward the thoughts of Immortal regimen of Chen Yingning, based the health preservation and promotion of TCM theory system, and drew lessons from Taoist health preservation and promotion of Fangshu and inner alchemy practice theory and method. Based on Chen Yingning’s Static Gong Convalescence method, through his own long-term practice experience, Hu Haiya summarized and refined the health preservation and promotion method of “listen to the breath of skin”, which had a wide impact both at home and abroad. Under the circumstances of the not perfect current medical system in China, the increasing intensification of aging, the worse and worse environment, and the gradually changed medical mode, health services should be strengthened and national culture needs to be rebuilt, making the personal practice and health results of Chen Yingning and Hu Haiya undoubtedly have a very important practical significance.
文章引用:程志立, 赵明宇, 曹向阳, 程志强. 陈撄宁和胡海牙师徒的养生实践及现代意义[J]. 国学, 2016, 4(2): 9-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2016.42002


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