To Reflect on Moral Indifference in the Perspective of Risk Society Theory
DOI: 10.12677/ACPP.2016.52005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,142  浏览: 4,758  国家科技经费支持
作者: 闫顺利, 蒲书宁:燕山大学文法学院,河北 秦皇岛
关键词: 风险风险社会道德冷漠反省Risk Risk Society Moral Indifference Reflection on Moral Indifference
摘要: 当代风险社会存在着人与自然、人与社会、人与自身的道德冷漠乱象,其深层根源主要是:工具理性与价值理性断裂对人们价值判断的干扰,价值混乱及其冲突对人们价值选择的掣肘,空窗期内主流价值式微引发人们的价值困惑。摆脱中国社会转型期内的道德冷漠困境需要合理处理以上三大关系,建构人与自然的共生伦理、确保价值多元化的积极成果,通过制度建设规避道德冷漠风险。
Abstract: In the contemporary of risk society, there are many moral indifference phenomena. These moral indifferences that human beings faced are about human and nature, human and society, human beings and themselves. The underlying causes behind them are mainly because the fracture of tool rationality and value rationality disturbs people’s value judgment, and the value chaos and conflict constraint people’s value choice, and the lack of mainstream value in the social offline windows causes people’s value confusion. To resolve these problems during the period of social transformation, we need to deal with the relationships which have referred before. What’s more, we should build symbiotic ethic about human and nature to ensure the active results of diversified value. We can also avoid the risk of moral indifference through constructing system.
文章引用:闫顺利, 蒲书宁. 风险社会理论视阈下的道德冷漠现象省思[J]. 哲学进展, 2016, 5(2): 30-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACPP.2016.52005