The P-Branch Spectral Lines in b1∏–a1∑+ System of BN#
DOI: 10.12677/app.2011.12007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,405  浏览: 15,173  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 樊群超*, 孙卫国*, 王琪, 周雨林, 代世波
关键词: BN双原子分子P线系发射光谱
BN; Diatomic Molecule; P-Branch; Emission Spectral Lines
摘要: 本文采用能精确计算双原子分子P线系跃迁谱线的新公式,首次研究了BN分子从电子态 向 电子态跃迁中(2, 1)跃迁带的P支发射光谱。获得的理论结果不仅很好地重复了已知的实验结果,同时还正确预测了目前实验上和其它理论方法仍未获得的该跃迁带包含转动量子数J = 80在内的高激发转动态的跃迁谱线数据。从理论上为进一步分析BN分子结构的研究提供了重要的物理信息。
Abstract: By the analytical formula which is deduced to obtain P-branch transitional spectra of diatomic molecule in Sun’s previous work, the emission spectral lines up to J = 80 those may not be available experimentally or quantum mechanically for (2, 1) band in – electronic state transition of BN molecule were investigated in this work. This study suggests important physical information for those who are working in BN molecular structure.
文章引用:樊群超, 孙卫国, 王琪, 周雨林, 代世波. BN分子b1∏–a1∑+的P线系发射谱线研究[J]. 应用物理, 2011, 1(2): 41-46.


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