The User Preferences Solicitation Framework during the Product Innovation—A Product Lifecycle Management Perspective
DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2016.43012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,968  浏览: 5,200 
作者: 李 智:国立中山大学,台湾;国际商业机器公司,台湾
关键词: 市场导向产品设计产品生命周期管理需求工程创新过程Market-Driven Product Design Product Lifecycle Management Requirement Engineering Innovation Process
摘要: 在服务经济之主导下,产品必须从消费者自身需求发想创意与创新商品,企业纷纷转型从商品主导到服务主导观,构思如何以产品作为服务载具,或是以具体服务融合不同产品,转变为以黏着消费者为主要之经营策略,一般产品生命周期管理概念必须加以延伸,方能达成今日产品经营目标;为此,本文提出一套具体可行之市场导向产品设计框架与产品功能评价机制,避免研发重点失据,丧失市场切入时机,进而使产品设计更贴近市场。
Abstract: Nowadays, under the service-driven economy, to a successful product design, the creativity and the innovation are usually inspired from the observation of the consumers’ needs. Many firms began their business model transformation from the good-dominant to the service-dominant logic. They are seeking the new business model to improve the customers’ intimacy by either using the good as the service conveyer or providing a composite service that integrates a number of goods; this new mode change has become a major trend of strategy of firms. Therefore, this paper presents a feasible, comprehensive, market-driven product lifecycle management framework to let products more toward to the market and to avoid the potential loss because of the misleading development angle and the delay of product time-to-market.
文章引用:李智. 探索新品开发使用者偏好实施框架—面向产品生命周期管理[J]. 商业全球化, 2016, 4(3): 89-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BGlo.2016.43012


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