Memory Trace Research
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.71006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,166  浏览: 2,951  国家科技经费支持
作者: 曹青春:上海大学哲学系,上海
关键词: 记忆痕迹记住表征图像/意象Memory Trace Remembering Representation Image
摘要: 记忆痕迹是否存在,是认知科学与哲学研究的一个重要问题。传统记忆痕迹理论的观点是记忆痕迹即是心理表征。随着行为主义方法论的盛行,人们开始质疑记忆痕迹的存在。然而,从哲学溯源、逻辑空间构造以及神经实体三个层面进行的哲学论证,却能支持记忆痕迹存在的观点,并能应对记忆痕迹存在的质疑。记忆痕迹的存在性,主要体现为:第一,记忆痕迹具有因果作用的性质;第二,记忆痕迹保留意向内容不变;第三,记忆痕迹结构上同构于记忆事件。
Abstract: Whether memory trace exists or not is the key problem of philosophy and cognitive science. Traditional memory trace theory is a kind of mental representation. With development of behaviorism method, people begin to doubt the existence of memory trace. This paper shows that memory trace is being existence from philosophy, logic space and neural entity. Existence of memory is as following: memory trace is a kind of causation; it can keep intentionality unchanged; and it is similar with memory events.
文章引用:曹青春 (2017). 记忆痕迹问题研究. 心理学进展, 7(1), 35-41. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.71006


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