Impedance Modeling and Resonance Analysis of Grid-Connected Wind Turbine Group
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2017.71005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,094  浏览: 4,068 
作者: 张 敏*, 雷 达, 王金浩, 杨尉薇, 徐 龙, 李胜文, 李慧蓬:国网山西省电力公司电力科学研究院,山西 太原;陈秋宇:国网承德供电公司,河北 承德;许佳佳:无锡市供电公司,江苏 无锡
关键词: 风力发电机并网逆变器输出阻抗系统谐振Wind Turbines Grid-Connected Inverter Output Impedance System Resonance
摘要: 风电并网系统的谐波谐振是导致全局并网系统谐振发生的重要原因,是电力系统稳定运行的潜在威胁。基于风电机组并网谐振技术原理,从阻抗角度对并网逆变器进行建模,提出并网风机群系统谐振分析方法。以实际风电场模型及参数为实例,通过MATLAB编程仿真,实现风机群系统谐振情况计算,分析风机并网台数、风机输出功率对谐振特性的影响。仿真计算验证了理论分析的正确性与谐振分析模型的有效性,对实际运行时风机群组的谐振问题分析和并网逆变器设计具有指导意义。
Abstract: The harmonic resonance of wind power grid is an important reason leading to the resonance of global grid-connected system. It is a potential threat to the stable operation of the power system. Based on the grid-connected resonance principle of wind turbine generator, the grid-connected inverter impedance model is proposed to analyze the resonance of grid-connected wind turbine group. An actual wind farm model and parameters are modeled in MATLAB to calculate the reso-nance of grid-connected wind turbine group. The impact of wind turbine units number and output power to the resonant characteristics can be analyzed. The correctness of theoretical analysis and effectiveness of the resonance analysis model is supported by the experimental results. It has a certain guiding significance to resonance analysis of running wind turbines group and grid- connected inverter design.
文章引用:张敏, 陈秋宇, 许佳佳, 雷达, 王金浩, 杨尉薇, 徐龙, 李胜文, 李慧蓬. 并网风机群阻抗建模及系统谐振分析[J]. 智能电网, 2017, 7(1): 37-45. https://doi.org/10.12677/SG.2017.71005


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