Application of Machine Learning in the Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete
DOI: 10.12677/SA.2017.61001, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,588  浏览: 7,820 
作者: 饶炜东:云南财经大学,云南 昆明
关键词: 机器学习预测抗压强度Machine Learning Prediction Compressive Strength
摘要: 本文对混凝土的抗压强度的数据采用决策树、Boosting、随机森林、人工神经网络、支持向量机这五种方法进行建模,采用十折交叉验证评价预测精度。发现随机森林法具有较好的预测效果。
Abstract: In this paper, the data of compressive strength of concrete are modeled by decision tree, boosting, random forest, artificial neural network and support vector machine methods. Ten-fold cross-va- lidation is adopted to assess the performance of these methods in terms of the prediction accuracy. It is seen that the Random Forest method has the best performance in general.
文章引用:饶炜东. 机器学习在混凝土抗压强度预测中的应用[J]. 统计学与应用, 2017, 6(1): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.12677/SA.2017.61001


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