The Innovative Design Framework of Service Engineering—Using Financial Smart Service Design as Example
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2017.62013, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,035  浏览: 4,805 
作者: 李 智*:国立中山大学,台湾 高雄;国际商业机器公司(IBM),台湾 台北
关键词: 服务工程服务设计金融科技智能投顾Service Engineering Service Design FinTech Robo-Advisory
摘要: 随物联网科技蓬勃发展,各种创新应用如雨后春笋般涌现,无可避免地传统金融服务业正受此类新兴科技导向产业侵蚀服务市场,因此对于传统金融服务业者而言,如何保有客户,从服务中产生黏着,则扮演业务持续成长之关键角色,其中「智能客户服务」机制便是落实「金融科技」(FinTech)重要之一环;特别是进阶人形之咨询服务型机器人为着黏着客户,乃继工业用机器人之后,种种新颖应用更是方兴未艾,跃跃欲试潜在利基市场。本文以「服务科学」方法论为本,具体提出设计与实践双轴循环與整体创新流程落实理论,探索智能投顾服务所需之相关技术,从金融服务战略观点出发,分析智能客户服务机制需求,改善目前业界一般线上客户服务做法,提出结合行动商务新体验模式,运用文字输入并辅以口语辨识技术查询,一方面疏解线上客户等候焦虑情绪,另一方面提升客服服务品质与服务周转能力,并进而提出一套雏型设计框架供实务界参考,建立不同利害关系人面向对服务建构之共识,以拉近金融科技差距;同时本文更在理论上将服务设计与实用主义相结合,并透过实证为学术界指引金融科技相关潜在研究议题与方向。
Abstract: During the booming of Internet-of-Things fast development, many innovative applications are emerging than ever. Inevitably these new technology-driven service industries are eroding the traditional financial service market. Therefore, how to retain the existing customers through a better intimacy mechanism plays the key role of business continuous growth. The Smart Helpdesk is one of the FinTech significant initiatives, and especially many advanced advisory services, deriving from smart helpdesk have been aggressively brought out to explore the potential niche market. The industrial robot technology pushes forward these advisory services more applicably, in various human forms for better customer intimacy. This paper applies the Service Science methodology, exploring the Robo-Advisory required technologies, from the business strategy perspective at the beginning, analyzing the requirements of the Smart Helpdesk to improve the current mechanism, and provides a new way of customer experience in using the mobile commerce. The customers can either input the texts or use voices to inquire the information. Not only will this ease the customer’s anxiety while in the waiting queue, but also will enhance the service quality and speed up the turnover rate of the helpdesk. The contribution of this paper, presenting the Service Design and Realization Dual Rings and the Innovation Realization Process with theory supported, integrating the theories of Service Design and Practicalism, is to elaborate the novel prototype design framework to the practitioners to reach the service design consensus—mitigat- ing the gap of FinTech—among the stakeholders with various perspectives and to give the related topics for future potential research to the academicians as well.
文章引用:李智. 创新服务工程设计框架—以智能金融客户服务设计为例[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2017, 6(2): 98-105. https://doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2017.62013


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