Using AutoCAD to Design the Source Station Offset of Seismic Exploration in Oil-Pipeline-Riched Area
DOI: 10.12677/GST.2017.52010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,184  浏览: 2,862 
作者: 李冬, 刘录平, 武宏海:装备服务处测量服务中心,河北 涿州
关键词: AutoCAD激发点偏移施工任务图AutoCAD Source Station Offset Construction Task Graph
摘要: 本文通过使用AutoCAD的基本功能,实现对油井管线密集地区进行激发点的偏移设计,结合实际应用,制定施工任务图。较好地解决在施工现场进行激发点偏移的问题,以下介绍了实现的办法及其使用效果。
Abstract: In this paper, by using the basic functions of AutoCAD, the oil pipeline intensive areas stimulate the offset design point, combined with practical application, making construction task graph which can better solve problems of excitation point offset at the construction site; the following introduces the realization methods and its use effect.
文章引用:李冬, 刘录平, 武宏海. 使用AutoCAD在油井管线密集地区进行地震勘探激发点偏移设计[J]. 测绘科学技术, 2017, 5(2): 76-81. https://doi.org/10.12677/GST.2017.52010


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