Application of PMF Method in the Calculation of Storm Transposition
DOI: 10.12677/JWRR.2017.63034, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,497  浏览: 2,232 
作者: 冉 曦, 连雷雷:长江水利委员会水文局汉江水文水资源勘测局,湖北 襄阳
关键词: 暴雨移置法PMPPMF径流洪水Storm Transposition PMP PMF Flood Runoff
摘要: 根据工程设计要求,需要对汨罗江流域可能最大洪水进行分析。本文采用暴雨移植法,将河南省历史上“75.8”特大降水过程作为PMP移置到工程设计流域,采用降雨径流模型进行产汇流计算,从而求出工程位置的PMF,并对本次成果进行了合理性检查和评价。结果表明,结合流域特征和暴雨洪水特性为基础来论证移置的可能性,并对暴雨参数进行必要的改正,其推算的PMF成果可为建设项目设计基准洪水计算提供基础依据,具有一定的工程应用价值。
Abstract: According to the requirements of engineering design, it is necessary to analyze the probable maximum flood in the Miluo River basin. The probable maximal precipitation (PMP) was estimated with the me-thod of displacing the “75.8” rainstorm in this study. The probable maximal flood (PMF) of the based station and the project location were calculated using rainfall-runoff models. The results show that the combination of watershed and flood characteristics based on PMP displacement, the results of PMF can be designed for construction project reference flood estimation basis, which has certain engineering application value.
文章引用:冉曦, 连雷雷. 暴雨移置法在PMF推求中的应用[J]. 水资源研究, 2017, 6(3): 285-291. https://doi.org/10.12677/JWRR.2017.63034


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