Social Anxiety and Its Influencing Factors of Residents in Beijing
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.75077, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 5,120  浏览: 9,018 
作者: 徐 茜, 曾美英, 于红军, 徐 华:北京联合大学师范学院心理学系,北京
关键词: 社会焦虑焦虑北京居民Social Anxiety Anxiety Beijing Residents
摘要: 社会学领域的“社会焦虑”专指整个社会当中广泛存在的一种紧张的心理状态,是由社会中的不确定因素(如竞争、改革、社会中的不安全因素)引起的担忧感。本研究结合心理学和社会学的视角,采用自编社会焦虑问卷和焦虑自评量表(SAS)等经典的心理学量表,随机从北京市的社区中调查了1093名18~63岁的北京居民,以考察北京居民社会焦虑的现状、来源和影响因素。发现:北京居民的自评焦虑得分远高于中国常模;社会焦虑也显著存在,其中,环境与安全焦虑、生存焦虑最为突出,并受到多种人口学特征(性别、年龄)、社会经济特征(职业、收入、住房)和身心特征(如身体状况、积极和消极应对)的影响。本研究的结果提示要进一步加强社会焦虑的监控和干预。
Abstract: “Social anxiety” in sociology refers specially to the widely-spread mental states of tension in the whole society, namely a feeling of worry caused by the uncertainties in society (such as competi-tion, reform, and social insecurity). From the perspectives combining psychology and sociology, the present study adopted the self-designed social anxiety questionnaire and classical psychological scales including Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), and randomly surveyed 1093 residents in Beijing, of 18 to 63 years old, from various communities, to describe the current social anxiety level, sources of social anxiety, and influencing factors of social anxiety among Beijing residents. Results showed that: 1) the self-rated anxiety level of Beijing residents scores much higher than the norm of China; 2) social anxiety is evident in Beijing residents, among which the anxiety about environment and safety, survival anxiety are the most prominent sources; 3) social anxiety level is affected by a variety of demographic characteristics (such as gender and age), socio-economic characteristics (such as occupation, income, and housing), and physio-psychological characteristics (such as health, positive and negative coping styles). The results imply that immediate social anxiety monitoring and interferences should be taken.
文章引用:徐茜, 曾美英, 于红军, 徐华 (2017). 北京居民社会焦虑的现状及影响因素. 心理学进展, 7(5), 629-640. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.75077


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