Effect of Gibberellin and 2,4-Epibrassinosteroid on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Wheat Three-Pistil Mutant
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2017.63020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,662  浏览: 3,060  科研立项经费支持
作者: 魏淑红*:西华师范大学,西南野生动植物资源保护教育部重点实验室,四川 南充;徐雅丽, 唐紫轩:西华师范大学,生命科学学院生物科学专业2014级,四川 南充
关键词: 小麦三雌蕊突变品系(TP)赤霉素24-表油菜素内酯种子萌发幼苗生长Three-Pistil Wheat Mutant (TP) Gibberellin 24-Epibrassinosteroid Seed Germination Seedling Growth
摘要: 小麦三雌蕊突变品系(TP)具有3个正常的雄蕊和3个可育的雌蕊,由于TP品系中一朵小花可结3粒种子,显著地增加穗粒数,因而具有一定的育种学价值,然而TP小麦所结实的种子发芽率较低,它在农业生产和育种利用中具有一定的局限性。为了提高TP小麦的农业利用价值,采取有效的农业措施促进TP种子萌发和幼苗生长非常必要。本研究以TP种子为材料,采用GA3和EBR溶液浸泡法,开展激素处理对其种子萌发和幼苗生长效应的研究。结果表明,1 mg∙l−1和10 mg∙l−1 GA3 对TP种子萌发、幼苗根长、苗长有显著促进效应(P < 0.05)。0.0015 mg∙l−1和0.015 mg∙l−1的EBR显著增加TP种子萌发率和幼苗苗长(P < 0.05),但对根长的影响不显著(P > 0.05)。GA3和EBR组合对TP 种子萌发和幼苗生长具有明显互作效应,配合后使用效果更好,综合考虑萌发率和种苗等因素,10 mg∙l−1 GA3 + 0.0015 mg∙l−1 EBR组合较好,与对照相比,种子萌发率增加1.69倍,根长和苗长分别增加49.7%和118.1%,与单一GA3和EBR处理相比,TP种子萌发率分别增加13.0%和32.2%,根长分别增加15.2%和7.5%,苗长分别增加9.1%和34.3%。
Abstract: The common wheat three-pistil (TP) mutant possesses three pistils and three fertile stamens in a floret, which makes it has the potentiality to increase the grain number per spike. However, the poor germination ability limits TP utilization in production and breeding. In order to improve the agricultural utilization value of TP wheat, it is necessary to take effective measures to promote the seed germination and seedling growth. In this paper, combined effects of different concentrations of GA3 and EBR on seed germination and seeding growth were investigated. The results show that the seed germination rate, root and seeding length vary significantly with 1 mg∙l−1 and 10 mg∙l−1 GA3 being used for treatment (P < 0.05). The positive effects of 0.0015 mg∙l−1 and 0.015 mg∙l−1 EBR treatment on seed germination and seeding length are observed (P < 0.05). But there is no significant effect on root length (P > 0.05). The two hormone treatments are better than that of single hormone. The optimized combination of two hormone are GA3 10 mg∙l−1 + EBR 0.0015 mg∙l−1. Compared with the control, the seed germination treated by combination increases by 1.69 times, the root length and seeding length increases by 49.7% and 118.1%, respectively. Compared with the treatment by the single hormone as GA3 or EBR, the seed germination treated by combination increases by 13.0% and 32.2%, respectively, and the root length increases by 15.2% and 7.5%, respectively. The seeding length increases by 9.1% and 34.3%, respectively.
文章引用:魏淑红, 徐雅丽, 唐紫轩. 赤霉素和2,4-表油菜素内酯互作对小麦三雌蕊突变品系种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响[J]. 植物学研究, 2017, 6(3): 149-157. https://doi.org/10.12677/BR.2017.63020


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