Investigation and Analysis on Self-Regulation Learning of Middle School Students—A Case Study of 482 Middle School Students in Huairou District
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.75081, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,644  浏览: 2,158  科研立项经费支持
作者: 代小东:北京联合大学师范学院,北京;陈全红, 高春蕾:北京市怀柔区教科研中心,北京
关键词: 中学生自我调控学习调查分析Middle School Students Self-Regulation of Learning Investigation and Analysis
摘要: 本研究采用自编的《中学生自我调控学习状况调查问卷》对北京市怀柔区482名中学生进行调查发现:不同学习成绩等级学生之间,学习自我调控能力差异显著,学习成绩上等的学生,学习自我调控能力强于中下等学生;初高中学生之间学习自我调控能力差异显著,初中生的自我调控学习能力强于高中生。针对这种情况,我们提出两点建议:第一,加强中下等学生的自我调控学习的培养;第二,加强高中生的自我调控学习能力的培养,尤其是效能感、计划目标、学习策略、元认知策略、抗干扰这五方面的培养。
Abstract: The study using the middle school students self-regulation learning situation questionnaire investigated 482 middle school students, found that there are different scores of the questionnaire among different grades students, the better grades, the stronger learn self-regulation ability; there are also different scores of the questionnaire between high school and junior school students; the high school students generally have low scores compared with junior school students. Aimed at this situation, we put forward two suggestions: first, strengthen the training of self-regulation learning ability of the students with poor academic performance; second, strengthen the training of self-regulation learning ability of high school students, especially the self-efficacy, plans, goals, learning strategies, meta cognitive strategies and anti-interference of the five aspects of the training.
文章引用:代小东, 陈全红, 高春蕾 (2017). 中学生自我调控学习调查分析—以北京市怀柔区中学生为例. 心理学进展, 7(5), 663-669. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.75081


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