Multi-Center Collaborative Supply Mechanism of Affordable Housing Based on IAD Framework
DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2017.64041, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,570  浏览: 3,181  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 杜 静, 王佳敏:东南大学建设与房地产系,江苏 南京;朱丽菲:朗诗地产有限公司,江苏 南京
关键词: 保障性住房多中心协同供应IAD框架营利组织Affordable Housing Multi-Center Collaborative Supply IAD Framework Profit Organizations
摘要: 通过本文的研究,我们基于IAD框架进行外生变量分析和行动情境设计,构建了政府、营利组织共同参与的保障房多中心协同供应体系。通过文献分析法,得到保障房多中心供应机制的评价指标。在对相关领域专家进行问卷调查的基础上,利用层次分析法得到评价指标的权重,提取得到影响保障房多中心协同供应效果的关键因素,形成了完整的基于IAD的保障房协同供应体系,对今后保障房的供应具有指导意义。最后以南京市保障房四大片区项目为例,分析了项目主要存在的问题并加以改进。
Abstract: Through the study of this paper, we analyzed exogenous variable and designed action context under the IAD framework, have built a multi-center collaborative supply system of affordable housing participated by government, profit organizations and non-profit organizations. We used literature analysis method, obtained the evaluation index of the multi-center collaborative supply mechanism of affordable house. Based on the questionnaire survey of experts in related fields, we used the analytic hierarchy process to calculate the weight of the indicators, obtained the key factors that affect the multi-center supply effect, and form a complete affordable housing supply system based on the IAD framework. It will have a guiding significance on the future affordable housing supply. Finally, we analyzed the main problems and put forward improving measures in the case of four districts of affordable housing in Nanjing.
文章引用:杜静, 王佳敏, 朱丽菲. 基于IAD的保障房多中心协同供应机制[J]. 土木工程, 2017, 6(4): 355-363. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJCE.2017.64041


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