A Preliminary Study on the Cultural Ecological Genetic Information Tupu of Traditional Ancient Villages
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2017.73015, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,844  浏览: 2,980  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 张河清:广州大学旅游学院,广东 广州 ;王蕾蕾:广州番禺职业技术学院,广东 广州
关键词: 传统古村落文化生态基因信息图谱Traditional Ancient Village Cultural Ecological Gene Information Tupu
摘要: 传统古村落文化生态是指古村落内部形态、外部形态及其相互作用的古村落综合体带给人的具体感受和意象。传统古村落作为民族文化的载体之一,在其传承过程中有其特定的文化生态“基因”密码;构建传统古村落“文化生态基因信息图谱”,可以为我国不同文化区域传统古村落的文化生态基因挖掘、历史记忆恢复、旅游规划和景观设计、社区发展和文化传承等提供理论和实践指导,为弘扬传统文化、推进生态文明、建设“美丽中国”提供技术支撑和决策借鉴。
Abstract: The traditional ancient village cultural ecology refers to the internal and external forms of ancient villages on the specific feelings and images of ancient village complex, and the interaction of the ancient village complex to bring the specific feelings and images. Traditional ancient village as one of the carriers of national culture has its specific cultural ecology “gene” password in its inheritance process. The construction of the traditional ancient village “cultural ecological genetic information tupu”, can provide theoretical and practical guidance for the cultural and ecological gene mining, historical memory recovery, tourism planning and landscape design, community development and cultural heritage for traditional ancient villages in different cultural regions of China, in order to carry forward the traditional culture, promote ecological civilization, build a beautiful China to provide technical support and decision-making.
文章引用:张河清, 王蕾蕾. 传统古村落“文化生态基因信息图谱”初探[J]. 可持续发展, 2017, 7(3): 115-119. https://doi.org/10.12677/SD.2017.73015


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