Study on the Strategy of Ecological Technology Innovation in Henan Province
DOI: 10.12677/AEP.2017.73037, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,353  浏览: 1,784 
作者: 文春波*, 郝民杰:河南省科学院地理研究所,河南 郑州
关键词: 生态技术创新战略河南省Ecological Technology Innovation Strategy Henan Province
摘要: 通过搭建面向生态建设的技术创新体系,对于绿色发展具有重要意义。解析了技术创新对于生态建设的重要作用。提出了河南省生态技术创新能力建设的路径,包括:建立生态建设与生态环境保护的科技支持体系,尽快优化和突破一批制约生态环境保护工作的技术,建立生态环境的基础数据支持体系,增强生态保护和建设的队伍和能力。提出了促进生态文明创新成果应用的路径,包括:推动专业化的生态技术众创空间发展,推动企业成为生态技术成果转化重要力量,加强知识产权的运用与保护,引导科技资源开放共享。提出实施生态建设中技术创新三战略,包括:“优先跨越式”技术刨新战略,“紧跟逐步提高式”技术创新战略和“强化支撑服务式”技术创新战略。
Abstract: It is of great significance to the green development by constructing a system of technological in-novation for ecological construction. The important role of technological innovation in ecological construction is analyzed. The path of ecological technology innovation ability construction is put forward in Henan province, which including: establishing ecological construction and ecological environment protection science and technology support system, optimizing and breaking a number of constraints on the work of ecological and environmental protection technology, setting up data to support the basis of the ecological environment system, strengthening the ecological protection and construction of team and ability. The path of promoting ecological civilization innovations is also put forward, which including: promoting the specialization of the ecological technology and spatial development, promoting the enterprises an important force to the ecological transformation of technical achievements, strengthening the use and protection of intellectual property rights, guiding the science and technology resources open sharing. Three strategies for technological innovation in ecological construction are put forward, including the strategy of “priority leapfrogging” technology, “followed by gradual improvement” technology innovation strategy and “strengthening support service” technology innovation strategy.
文章引用:文春波, 郝民杰. 河南省生态技术创新战略研究[J]. 环境保护前沿, 2017, 7(3): 258-262. https://doi.org/10.12677/AEP.2017.73037


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