The Bridge Deformation Monitoring System Based on Difference Technology
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2017.64019, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,429  浏览: 2,310  科研立项经费支持
作者: 黄晓鑫, 童旭辉:浙江海洋大学数理与信息学院,浙江 舟山;张海亮*:浙江海洋大学,浙江省海洋大数据挖掘与应用重点实验室,浙江 舟山
关键词: 变形监测伪距载波相位差分定位误差控制Deformation Monitoring Pseudo Range Carrier Phase The Differential Positioning Error Control
摘要: 本文首先引出了大桥变形监测系统的实际背景,其次介绍了对用于监测大桥变形的变形监测系统的构成及运行原理,然后讲解了用于定位大桥的伪距与载波相位两种差分定位技术,最后论述如何在测量定位过程中控制误差。
Abstract: Firstly, this paper raises the Application background of the deformation monitoring system, se-condly introduces the structure and operation principle of the deformation monitoring system for monitoring the bridge deformation, and then explains the pseudo range and carrier phase differential positioning technology which is used to locate the bridge, finally discusses how to control error during the process of measurement positioning.
文章引用:黄晓鑫, 童旭辉, 张海亮. 基于差分技术的大桥变形监测系统[J]. 交通技术, 2017, 6(4): 147-152. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2017.64019


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