A Study on the Cultural Development Strategy of Jinan City from the Perspective of Cultural Memory
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.69165, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,539  浏览: 6,879 
作者: 胡冉冉, 金卫聪, 赵佳凤:济南大学历史与文化产业学院,山东 济南
关键词: 济南城市文化文化记忆发展策略Urban Culture of Jinan Cultural Memory Development Strategy
摘要: 城市文化记忆是一个城市发展的足印。它是城市建设中的基础,也是城市发展中一笔宝贵的财富。但是在现代化的世界中,各地建设日趋同质,城市改造在调整城市的整体风貌,加速城市现代化的步伐,促使城市文化统一协调的同时,也使城市失去了各自特殊的记忆,穿上了共同的外衣。历史文化名城济南所特有的历史文化记忆和城市文化品格在城市建设下日渐消退,给我们以深刻的启迪。如何在城市现代化进程中保持历史文化记忆且在当下语境中建构城市文化记忆的现代价值,是一个实践上亟待解决的现实难题。
Abstract: Urban cultural memory is the footprint of a city development. It is the foundation of urban con-struction, and is also a valuable treasure in the development of urban culture. But in a moderniz-ing world, the construction has been increasingly homogeneous, urban transformation in adjust-ing its overall style, accelerating the pace of urban modernization, promoting urban cultural harmony and unity, at the same time, also making the city lose their special memories, putting on a common coat. The historical and cultural memory and the cultural character of the city Jinan have gradually receded in the city construction, giving us profound enlightenment. There is a practical problem how to maintain the historical and cultural memory in the process of urban modernization and to construct the modern value of urban cultural memory in the present context to be solved.
文章引用:胡冉冉, 金卫聪, 赵佳凤. 文化记忆视野下济南城市文化发展策略研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(9): 1156-1162. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.69165


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