Relationship between Job Stress and Job Burnout in Health-Care Workers of Governmental Hospitals in Developed Area—Taken Dongguan as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.710147, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,483  浏览: 2,038 
作者: 侯永梅, 张沃林:广东医科学大学人文与管理学院心理学系,广东 东莞
关键词: 经济发达地区公立医院医护人员工作压力职业倦怠Developed Area Governmental Hospital Health-Care Workers Job Stress Job Burnout
摘要: 目的:了解经济发达地区公立医院医护人员的工作压力和职业倦怠现状,探讨两者的关系。方法:采用工作压力量表、马斯勒职业倦怠量表和自编的个人一般情况调查表,对随机抽取的东莞市375名公立医院医护人员进行调查。结果:东莞市公立医院医护人员的总体职业倦怠水平(62.90 ± 16.81)、情感衰竭(24.70 ± 9.78)和个人成就感(30.08 ± 8.68)处于中等水平,去人格化(8.11 ± 5.36)处于较低的水平;工作压力量表的总分(156.36 ± 35.54)处于偏高水平。11~15年工龄者在个人成就感低维度上得分最低;本科学历者在工作与家庭冲突压力维度上的得分显著低于非本科学历者;高级职称者在个人成就感低维度上得分低于中级和初级职称者;中级职称者在同事压力维度上的得分低于高级和初级职称者。工作压力量表的各个维度与职业倦怠量表的情感耗竭、去人格化两个维度都有显著的正相关。职业倦怠的影响因子有工作负荷压力、同事压力、聘任压力、家庭冲突压力。结论:经济发达地区公立医院医护人员的工作压力和职业倦怠处于中上水平,工作压力和职业倦怠关系密切。
Abstract: Objective: To explore the development status of job stress and job burnout among health-care workers of Governmental Hospital in developed areas, and analyze the relationship between them. Method: Three hundred and seventy-five health-care workers ranged in age from 20 to 60 years and with 1~35 years of experience in health-care were collected by stratified random sampling method. They were surveyed with Job Stress Questionnaire (RSS), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and a self-made general information questionnaire for health-care workers. Results: the total score (62.90 ± 16.81) and the dimensions of emotional exhaustion (24.70 ± 9.78) and reduced personal accomplishment (30.08 ± 8.68) in MBI were average level; the score of depersonalization (8.11 ± 5.36) was below average, while the scores in 10 dimensions of Job Stress Questionnaire ranged from (2.46 ± 0.89) to (3.99 ± 1.30),which was above average. Health-care workers with Bachelor degree (BA) got significantly lower score than other degree holders in the dimension of pressure in the conflict between job and family. Health-care workers with 11~15 years of experience in health-care got significantly lower score in the dimension of reduced personal accomplishment than other health care workers. Health-care workers with senior professional titles got significantly lower scores than those with junior or intermediate professional titles in the dimension of reduced personal accomplishment. Health-care workers with intermediate professional titles got significantly lower scores than those with junior or senior professional titles in the job pressure from workmates. The score of each dimension in Job Stress Questionnaire was positively correlated with the total score of MBI and the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The results of multivariate regression analysis showed that the influence factors of Job Burnout included the stresses from job burden, workmates and professional promotion. Conclusion: It suggests that if health-care workers got high job pressure, they wound have serious job burnout, which might in turn cause worse mental health on them.
文章引用:侯永梅, 张沃林 (2017). 经济发达地区公立医院医护人员工作压力与职业倦怠的关系—以东莞市为例. 心理学进展, 7(10), 1181-1190. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.710147


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