Study on Cult Members’ Characteristics of Cognitive Biases and Its Relationship with Depression
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.710149, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,410  浏览: 3,881 
作者: 郭海锟, 陈青萍, 禄晓平:陕西师范大学心理学院,陕西 西安;周济全:广东海洋大学,广东 湛江
关键词: 膜拜成员认知偏差抑郁情绪认知干预Cult Member Cognitive Bias Depression Cognitive Intervention
摘要: 本研究采用认知偏差问卷和深入访谈法,对48名膜拜成员和50名非膜拜人员进行比较研究,探讨膜拜成员认知偏差特征及与抑郁情绪之间的关系,揭示膜拜行为执迷的缘由。结果显示,膜拜成员在非抑郁–歪曲、抑郁–歪曲、抑郁–非歪曲三个维度上得分显著高于非膜拜人员,说明他们存在认知偏差现象,由此激发抑郁情绪,再加严重认知偏差,最终致膜拜意识与膜拜行为强化。针对这种情况的干预方法采用理性情绪疗法。
Abstract: Objective: This study aims to explore the characteristics of the cult members’ cognitive bias and its relationship with depression. Methods: Using the Cognitive Bias Questionnaire (CBQ) measured 48 cult members and 50 non-cult members for comparative study, supplemented by interviews to analyze and evaluate their cognitive biases and emotional state. Results: The scores of cult members in the dimension of depressed-distorted was significantly higher than non-cult members’ (t = 4.873, p < 0.001); the scores of cult members in the dimensions of depressed-non-distorted and non-depressed-distorted were also significantly higher than non-cult members’ (t = 3.413, p < 0.05; t = 2.980, p < 0.05). The reason is related to their gender, age, education, group-influence and mind control. Conclusion: Cognitive biases exist in cult members. The relationship between cognitive bias and depression is an interactional circulation: Cognitive bias-depression-increasing cognitive bias. Therefore, it should be adopted cognitive therapy intervention.
文章引用:郭海锟, 周济全, 陈青萍, 禄晓平 (2017). 膜拜成员认知偏差特征与抑郁情绪关系的研究. 心理学进展, 7(10), 1199-1204. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.710149


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