Exploration on the Effective Integration of the Student Party Building in Arts Campus Culture Construction
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2018.81009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,329  浏览: 2,751 
作者: 林飞龙*:浙江大学城市学院,浙江 杭州
关键词: 艺术类学生党建点睛Art Student Party Building Punchline
摘要: 作为艺术类专业的学生,其担负着促进文艺发展的重要使命,而高校艺术类学生的党建工作是培养优秀文艺人才。艺术类学生党建工作需要脚踏实地,根据学生特点,将党建与校园文化融合开展理想信念教育。让学生通过“点睛”校园文化提高政治关注度,坚定理想信念。
Abstract: Art students have the important mission of promoting the development of literature and art. The party building work in art colleges mainly focuses on cultivating excellent literary talent. Party building of art students needs to be down-to-earth, especially, the party building and campus culture to carry out the ideal and faith education according to the characteristics of students. Students, through the “Punchline” culture, can raise political attention, firm ideals and beliefs.
文章引用:林飞龙. 艺术类学生党建工作与校园文化建设有效融合的探索[J]. 教育进展, 2018, 8(1): 49-51. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2018.81009


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