1 + 3模式在提高口腔医护人员自我防护依从性中的应用
The Application of 1 + 3 Mode to Improve the Self-Protection Compliance of Oral Medical Staff
DOI: 10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2019.41002, PDF, 下载: 769  浏览: 1,548 
作者: 戴 杰:浙江省台州恩泽医疗中心(集团)路桥医院口腔科,浙江 台州,中国
关键词: 1 + 3模式自我防护依从性质量改进1 + 3 Model Self-Protection Compliance Quality Improvement
摘要: 目的:探讨和研究1 + 3模式在提高口腔医护人员自我防护依从性中的应用效果。方法:针对口腔医护人员自我防护依从性低的问题,采用1 + 3质量管理模式,通过分析查找根本原因,并制定相应的改进措施及制度进行持续改进。对整改前后口腔医护人员自我防护依从性和患者满意度进行对比。结果:口腔医护人员自我防护缺陷次数与接诊人次比从0.71降为0.27 (卡方检验,χ2 = 7.7017,P < 0.05),患者满意度从79.71%上升到91.14% (卡方检验,χ2 = 135.0321,P < 0.01)。结论:实施1 + 3模式能够有效的提高口腔医护人员自我防护依从性,减少院感隐患发生。
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effect of 1 + 3 mode to improve the self-protection compliance of oral medical staff. Methods: For the problems related to low self-protection compliance of oral medical staff, We use 1 + 3 quality management model to improve it continuously. We through the analysis to find the root cause, and draw the relevant improvement measures and system. The defect ratio of self-protection compliance and the satisfaction of patients were compared before and after rec-tification. Results: The defect ratio of self-protection compliance reduced to 0.27 from 0.71 in the rectification before, the satisfaction of patients increased to 79.71% from 91.14% in the rectifica-tion before. Conclusion 1 + 3 mode can significantly improve the self-protection compliance of oral medical staff, and reduce the potential hospital infection.
文章引用:戴杰. 1 + 3模式在提高口腔医护人员自我防护依从性中的应用[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2019, 4(1): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2019.41002


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