Influence Factors Analysis of Electric Desalting System Running Smoothly on 4.5 Million t/a Atmospheric-Vacuum Distillation Unit
摘要: 通过对大连石化公司450万常减压蒸馏装置(以下简称二蒸馏装置)影响电脱盐效果的因素逐项展开排查,针对性地对电脱盐注水部位、反冲洗方式的调整和试用新型号破乳剂等措施,使电脱盐系统的运行状况明显改善,从而提高了装置运行的平稳率,保证了装置的安全生产。
Abstract: Through to the 4.5 Mt/a Atmospheric-Vacuum Distillation unit in the PetroChina Dalian Petrochemical Company (hereinafter referred to as the Two Distillation unit) effects of electric desalting effect factors one by one to expand the investigation, targeted on the electric desalting water injection site, backwash mode adjustment and trial model, demulsifier and other measures, so that the electric desalting system operation condition is improved, thereby improving the unit operation stable rate, ensure the safe production of the device.
文章引用:屈清洲, 卢明海, 颜世闯, 史刚. 影响450万常减压蒸馏装置电脱盐系统平稳运行因素分析[J]. 机械工程与技术, 2012, 1(3): 37-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MET.2012.13007


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