Experimental Study on Spatial Cognition of Children Based on Virtual Reality Technology
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2020.1011200, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 513  浏览: 877 
作者: 龚 燕, 刘新宇, 舒玲玲, 赵梦歌, 徐 速:温州大学,浙江 温州
关键词: 空间认知能力虚拟现实技术VR儿童Spatial Cognitive Ability Virtual Reality Technology VR Children
摘要: 空间认知能力作为教育教学中学生智力发展的基本要求,近几年来已经成为儿童认知发展研究的重点,其包括空间知觉、空间表征、空间想象和空间思维四种能力。结合皮亚杰的认知发展模型,本文旨在原有的空间认知能力结构模型理论的基础上,构建设计儿童空间认知能力虚拟试验的框架结构,撰写试验脚本,论述实施步骤及各步骤主要思路,拟开发一套集沉浸式与交互式为一体的虚拟情境试验,为培养并提高学生的空间感知能力以及空间想象和思维能力等提供新思路。
Abstract: Spatial cognitive ability, as the basic requirement of students’ intellectual development in educa-tion and teaching, has become the focus of children’s cognitive development research in recent years. It includes four abilities: spatial perception, spatial representation, spatial imagination and spatial thinking. Combined with Jean Piaget’s cognitive development model, this paper aims to de-sign tests of children’s spatial cognitive ability based on virtual reality. On the basis of the original spatial cognitive model, we constructed a framework of the virtual experiment, and wrote the test script. The implementation steps and main ideas of each step were also discussed. It is intended to develop a set of immersive and interactive virtual experiments, which will provide new ideas for training and improving students’ spatial perception ability, spatial imagination and thinking abil-ity.
文章引用:龚燕, 刘新宇, 舒玲玲, 赵梦歌, 徐速 (2020). 基于虚拟现实技术的儿童空间认知能力试验研究. 心理学进展, 10(11), 1719-1727. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2020.1011200


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