Progresses on the Nano Scale Structure Model of C-S-H and the Shrinkage Mechanism
摘要: 作为硬化水泥浆体的主要成分,对C-S-H的纳米尺度结构进行模型化研究将是水泥基材料的组成设计和性能预测重要途径。本文综述了几种经典的用于解释其行为特征的C-S-H抽象模型以及建立在电子显微形貌基础上的模型,描述了C-S-H和水之间的相互作用和水泥基材料收缩的机理。梳理了Jennings学派模型的发展过程和各模型的特点,以及这些模型对水泥浆体收缩机理的解释以及相关的数学物理模型。介绍了建立在纳米尺度C-S-H形貌特征基础上的UIUC模型。C-S-H的纳米结构模型必须和其纳米尺度的形貌特征契合,通过多种研究方法形成C-S-H在纳米尺度结构的共性、本质的特征并在此基础上形成可以解释其宏观性能的模型,将对研究和解决水泥基材料的收缩和开裂具有重要的意义。
Abstract: As the main component of harden cement paste, the modeling study on the nano scale microstructure of C-S-H is one of the key approach to the composite design and performance prediction of cement based materials. In this paper some classical abstract model of C-S-H and the model based on the electronic microscopy morphology are introduced, the interaction of C-S-H and water is described to interpret the mechanism of the shrinkage of cement based materials. The development of the models of Jennings school and the characters of those models, the interpretation of the shrinkage mechanism of cement with those models and mathematics-physics models of shrinkage are also reviewed. A UIUC model base on the nano morphology of C-S-H is introduced. A good nano scale model of C-S-H must be corres-pond to the morphology of C-S-H, so to find the comprehensive and intrinsical characters of C-S-H morphology and build a model that can interpret the macroscopical performances is very significant to study the shrinkage and cracking of cement based materials.
文章引用:沈卫国, 甘戈金, 连春明, 张文生, 叶家元, 师华. C-S-H纳米尺度结构模型研究与收缩机理研究进展[J]. 材料科学, 2012, 2(1): 1-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ms.2012.21001


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