Consumer Personal Information Protection in the Era of Big Data—Taking Privacy Policies of Online Shopping Applications as the Research Object
摘要: 选择使用各类电商平台进行网购的人数直线上升,网购用户在享受着因大数据算法带来的便利化、个人化服务时,也面临着信息泄露等危险。隐私条款作为电商平台收集、使用用户信息的依据,本该是保护消费者个人信息的重要工具,但目前却无法有效保护网购消费者的个人隐私。通过对典型案例、隐私条款文本内容进行分析,发现目前隐私条款存在内容不明确、责任不清晰、执行不到位等问题,对此从设立专门部门、完善国家立法、加大执法力度等方面提出建议以更好发挥隐私条款保护消费者个人信息的作用。
Abstract: With the development of network technology, the number of people who choose to use various e-commerce platforms for online shopping has skyrocketed. While online shoppers enjoy convenient and personalized services brought by big data algorithms, they also face risks such as information leakage. As the basis for the collection and use of user information by e-commerce platforms, privacy clauses should be an important tool to protect consumers’ personal information, but currently they cannot effectively protect the personal privacy of online consumers. Through the analysis of typical cases and the text content of privacy clauses, it is found that there are some problems in the current privacy clauses, such as unclear content, unclear responsibility and inadequate implementation. In this regard, some suggestions are put forward from the aspects of setting up special departments, perfecting national legislation and strengthening law enforcement to better play the role of privacy clauses in protecting consumers’ personal information.
文章引用:和言悦. 大数据时代消费者个人信息保护——以网购应用程序隐私条款为例[J]. 法学, 2023, 11(4): 2179-2186. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2023.114312


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