Comparison of Hot Spots and Trends in Domestic and Foreign Research on Parenting Styles—A Visual Analysis Based on CiteSpace
摘要: 在我国家庭教育问题成为社会热点的背景下,为进一步推动父母教育方式领域研究的进步,本研究采用CiteSpace对知网和Web of Science近十年父母教养方式研究的文献记录进行知识图谱分析。国内外分析结果呈现出相似的特点:1) 研究对象为学生群体,涵盖大中小学生以及特殊儿童;2) 结果变量涉及学生的行为与心理健康;3) 研究方法多采用问卷调查的形式;4) 情绪问题和代际传递是父母教养方式领域未来的研究热点。最后,本研究围绕分析结果为我国父母教养方式领域的研究提出了针对性的建议。
Under the background that the issues of family education in our country have become hot spots in society, to further promote the progress of the research in the field of parental education styles, this study uses CiteSpace to analyze the knowledge Atlas of the literature records of parental education styles from the last 10 years on Knowledge-based networks and Web of Science. The analysis results at home and abroad show similar characteristics: 1) The research object is the student group, including college and primary school students and special children; 2) Outcome variables involve students’ behavior and mental health; 3) The research methods are mostly in the form of questionnaire survey; 4) Emotional problems and intergenerational transmission are future research hotspots in the field of parenting styles. Finally, based on the analysis results, this study puts forward some specific suggestions for research in the field of parenting styles in China.
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