Exploration and Practice of Teaching Mode of Construction Safety and Environmental Protection
DOI: 10.12677/ces.2024.124236, PDF, 下载: 31  浏览: 59  科研立项经费支持
作者: 廖奇云, 林福临, 魏小淇:重庆大学管理科学与房地产学院工程管理系,重庆;李 熠:重庆市沙坪坝区住房和城乡建设委员会,重庆
关键词: 建设工程施工安全环境保护教学模式教学改革Construction Project Construction Safety Environmental Protection Teaching Model Pedagogical Reform
摘要: 依旧严峻的建设工程施工安全形式与越来越高的环境保护要求,对新一代土建类人才培养提出了更大的挑战。文章基于文献分析、结合课堂教学实践和笔者近年主编的“十三五”规划教材内容,分析了当前施工安全与环境保护教学在不同阶段存在的问题并分别提出了相应的解决方案,同时在教学内容上提出三维编排体系,优化教学的逻辑性与层次性。实践证明,科学的教学内容能够有效提升教学效果,但是还需要通过师资队伍建设、教学方式优化、考核形式完善、输出场景建设等举措,以实现更好的教学效果与更高层次的教学目标。
Abstract: The still severe construction safety form and the continuous growth of environmental protection requirements pose greater challenges to the training of a new generation of civil engineering talents. Based on literature analysis, combined with classroom teaching practice and the content of the 13th Five-Year Plan textbook edited by the author in recent years, this paper analyzes the problems existing in different stages of construction safety and environmental protection teaching and puts forward corresponding solutions. Meanwhile, a three-dimensional system is proposed in the teaching content to optimize the logic and hierarchy of teaching. Practice has proved that scientific teaching content can effectively improve the teaching effect. However, it is also necessary to achieve better teaching effects and higher-level teaching goals through measures such as faculty building, teaching method optimization, assessment form improvement, and output scene construction.
文章引用:廖奇云, 林福临, 李熠, 魏小淇. 施工安全与环境保护课程教学模式探索与实践[J]. 创新教育研究, 2024, 12(4): 440-449. https://doi.org/10.12677/ces.2024.124236


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