Seasonal Design Flood and Dynamic Control of Operating Water Level of Baihetan Reservoir
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作者: 杨媛婷, 郭生练*, 王孟悦, 王 俊:武汉大学水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室,湖北 武汉
关键词: 汛期分期设计洪水运行水位动态控制白鹤滩水库Flood Season Staging Seasonal Design Flood Operating Water Level Dynamic Control Baihetan Reservoir
摘要: 水库运行调度依据年最大设计洪水确定的汛限水位,没有考虑洪水年内的季节性变化规律。采用原设计汛限水位运行导致汛期弃水、汛后水库蓄满率低。本文把白鹤滩水库汛期分为前汛期、主汛期和后汛期,分别计算分期设计洪水,经调洪演算推求分期运行水位,利用预报预泄法确定汛期运行水位上限,分析白鹤滩水库汛期运行水位动态控制的风险及效益,为白鹤滩水库调度决策提供技术参考。
Abstract: Reservoir operation was based on flood limit water level (FLWL) that determined by the annual maximum design floods and did not consider the seasonal variation. Using the original designed FLWL usually leads to discard water during flood season and low refill rate in the end of flood season. In this paper, we divided the flood season into pre-, mian- and post-flood sub-seasons, and estimated seasonal design floods of Bai-hetan Reservoir. The flood-routing method is used to calculate the seasonal operating water level, and the upper limit of operating water levels is determined by the forecast and pre-discharge method. The risk and benefit of dynamic control of operating water level during flood season were analyzed, which will pro-vide technical reference for operation decision-making of Baihetan Reservoir.
文章引用:杨媛婷, 郭生练, 王孟悦, 王俊. 白鹤滩水库分期设计洪水与运行水位动态控制[J]. 水资源研究, 2024, 13(2): 1-11.


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