Cost Benefit Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Reduction during Waste to Energy Process——Case Study of Tianjin
DOI: 10.12677/CCRL.2013.22012, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,286  浏览: 9,264  国家科技经费支持
作者: 何 彧, 王媛*, 颜蓓蓓:天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津;殷培红:环保部环境与经济政策研究中心,北京
关键词: 成本效益分析温室气体减排城市生活垃圾垃圾能源化Cost-Benefit Analysis; Greenhouse Gas Reduction; Municipal Solid Waste; Waste-to-Energy
摘要: 垃圾能源化过程不仅仅可以在垃圾处置过程中产生能源,而且减排温室气体。本文以垃圾焚烧发电和填埋气发电两种垃圾能源化方式的温室气体减排为基础,进行了其成本效益分析。识别并描述了垃圾能源化项目的私人成本与环境收益。以天津市垃圾能源化项目为例,核算了天津市垃圾能源化的温室气体减排量,得出利用1吨垃圾进行焚烧发电的减排量为0.777 tCO2e,进行填埋气发电的减排量为0.657 tCO2e。核算与分析天津垃圾能源化的单位温室气体减排的成本效益,并对外部性内部化实现程度不同的各种情况进行了分析。结果发现支付的垃圾处理费看似是解决局地污染问题,实际影响到温室气体协同减排的效益。即使没有碳交易,随着地方政府支付给企业的垃圾处理费增加,同样也会提高单位温室气体减排的收益,从而促进减排。
Abstract: Waste-to-energy can not only generate energy in the municipal solid waste disposal process, but also reduce greenhouse gas emission. Based on the greenhouse gas reduction of two waste-to-energy methods: incineration with energy (electricity and heat) and landfill with landfill gas utilization, this paper made a cost-benefit analysis of them. We identified and described private cost and environmental benefits of the two waste-to-energy projects. Taking Tianjin Binhai municipal solid waste incineration power generation CDM project and Tianjin Shuangkou landfill gas recovery and electricity generation CDM project as examples, the calculation method provided by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines in 2006 was used for calculating greenhouse gas reduction. It can be calculated that dispos-ing of 1t municipal solid waste in the way of incineration with energy could reduce 0.777 tCO2e, and in the way of landfill with landfill gas utilization could reduce 0.657 tCO2e. Then we calculated the costs and benefits of waste-to- energy projects’ per unit greenhouse gas reduction and the internal rate of return of waste-to-energy projects, and made a cost-benefit analysis of them under different internalization of externalities realization situations. It seemed that the payment of waste disposal fees was to solve local pollution problems, but it actually impacted the benefits of greenhouse gas collaborative emission reduction. Even without carbon trading, as gate fees paid by local governments to waste-to- energy enterprise increasing, it would also improve the benefits of per unit greenhouse gas reduction, so as to promote the reduction.
文章引用:何彧, 王媛, 殷培红, 颜蓓蓓. 垃圾能源化过程中的温室气体减排成本效益分析——以天津为例[J]. 气候变化研究快报, 2013, 2(2): 74-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CCRL.2013.22012


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