The Research of Multimedia Application in Digital Sandbox System
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2013.32024, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,060  浏览: 10,473 
作者: 王辉柏*, 侯建峰:北方工业大学信息工程学院
关键词: 多媒体数字沙盘三维特效全息成像Multimedia; Digital Sandbox; Three-Dimensional Effects; Holographic Imaging
摘要: 数字沙盘主要是利用先进的计算机技术,在已有的传统沙盘的基础上,结合先进的光学成像技术,加入生动的图像、三维动画和模型等多媒体展示功能和互动功能,已达到给参观者带来美轮美奂的动态视觉效果和多方位展示目标对象的目的。该系统针对数字沙盘,研究全息成像各面图像的产生与合成,与MAYA结合,快速生成各个方向的图像,并合成,从而产生逼真的立体场景;实现虚拟场景与演讲者的交互,通过数据手套,对场景进行控制,达到亦真亦幻的立体展示效果。
Abstract: The digital sandbox is mainly the use of advanced computer technology, adding vivid images multimedia presentations and interactive features, such as 3D (3 Dimensions) animation and 3D model, combined with state-of- the-art optical imaging technology, on the basis of the existing traditional sandbox, to entertain visitors with dynamic visual effects, beautiful and multi-faceted show. The system for digital sandbox, studying the generation and synthesis of holographic image, with MAYA combined, quickly generates the image in all directions, and synthesis, resulting in a realistic three-dimensional scene. The user control virtual scene with wireless data gloves to reach a wonderful stereoscopic display effect.
文章引用:王辉柏, 侯建峰. 多媒体在数字沙盘系统中应用的研究[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2013, 3(2): 139-144. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2013.32024
