
何予卿,华中农业大学植物遗传育种和植物分子生物学专业,教授,博士生导师。19977月于华中农业大学获得博士学位,之后在武汉大学生命科学院植物遗传学专业从事两年博士后研究工作,多次前往香港大学和美国Cornell大学从事访问合作研究。2004年被遴选为教育部新世纪优秀人才; 2007年被聘为农业部首批现代农业产业技术体系水稻育种与繁育研究室科学家岗位。“九五”至“十一五”期间多次主持和参加国家“863”计划项目、973计划、国家植物转基因专项、国家自然科学基金等。在国内外学术期刊Theor Appl Genet, Molecular Breeding, Plant Breeding, 植物学报、遗传学报、作物学报和中国农业科学等重要刊物发表论文30余篇。






1997年至1999 博士后,武汉大学生科院

1994年至1997 博士,华中农业大学

1987年至1990 硕士,广西农学院农学系

1980年至1987 学士,华中农业大学农学系



2005年至2006年 访问教授,美国康奈尔大学唐氏基金

2005         博士生导师,华中农业大学

2004         教授,华中农业大学

1999         副教授,华中农业大学

1998年至1998年 访问学者,香港大学

1990年至1994年 助理研究员,湖北省农科院



  1. Li Y, Fan C, Xing Y, Jiang Y, Luo L, Sun L, Shao D, Xu C, Li X, Xiao J, He Y*, Zhang Q, Natural variation in GS5 plays an important role in regulating grain size and yield in rice, Nature Genetics, 2011(Accepted)
  2. Hu J, Li X, Wu C, Yang C, Hua H, Gao G, Xiao J, He Y*, Pyramiding and evaluation of the brown planthopper resistance genes Bph14 and Bph15 in hybrid rice,Mol Breeding,2011:DOI 10.1007/s11032-010-9526-x(In Press)
  3. Liu W, Zeng J , Jiang G, He YQ*, QTLs identification of crude fat content in brown rice and its genetic basis analysis using DH and two backcross populations, Euphytica, 2009,169(2):197-205
  4. Wang GW, Cai HY, Xu Yunbi, Yang SH, He YQ*. Analysis on the spectra and level of wide-compatibility conferred by three neutral alleles in inter-subspecific hybrids of rice (Oryza sativa L.) using near isogenic lines, Plant Breeding,2009,128(5):451-457
  5. Wang L, Zhong M, Li X, Yuan D, Xu Y, Liu H, He Y*, Luo L, Zhang Q. The QTL controlling amino acid content in grain of rice (Oryza sativa) were co-localized with the regions involved in amino acid metabolism pathway. Molecular Breeding, 2008: 21(1): 127-137
  6. Li YB, Wu C, Jiang G, He Y*. Dynamic QTL analysis for rice blast resistance under natural infection conditions, Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2008273-82
  7. Li Y, Wu C, Jiang G and He Y* Dynamic analyses of rice blast resistance for the assessment of genetic and environmental effects. Plant Breeding 2007,126,541-547
  8. Wang LQ, Liu WJ, Xu Y, He YQ*, Luo LJ, Xing YZ, Xu CG, Zhang Qifa. Genetic basis of 17 traits and viscosity parameters characterizing the eating and cooking quality of rice grain. Theor Appl Genet. 2007,115,463-476
  9. Wang G, He Y, Xu C and Zhang Q. Fine mapping of f5-Du, a gene conferring wide-compatibility for pollen fertility in inter-subspecific hybrids of rice. Theor Appl Genet. 2006,112(2):382-387
  10. Zhang JF, Li X, Jiang G, Xu Y, Li X, He Y*, Pyramiding of Xa7 and Xa21 for the improvement of disease resistance to bacterial blight in hybrid rice, Plant Breeding, 2006, 125, 600-605
  11. Ge X, Xing Y, Xu C, He Y*. QTL analysis of cooked rice grain elongation, volume expansion and water absorption using a recombinant inbred population. Plant Breeding, 2005,124:121-126
  12. Tian R, Jiang G, Shen L, Wang L, He Y*. Mapping quantitative trait loci underlying the cooking and eating quality of rice grains using a DH population. Molecular Breeding, 2005,15:117-124
  13. Wang G, He Y, Xu C, Zhang Q. Identification and confirmation of three neutral alleles conferring wide compatibility in inter-subspecific hybrids of rice (Oryza sativa L.) using near-isogenic lines. Theor Appl Genet, 2005, 111:702–710
  14. Jiang G, Hong X, Xu C, Li X and He Y*. Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Grain Appearance and Milling Quality Using a Doubled-Haploid Rice Population. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2005, 47 (11): 13911403