
朱端卫,博士,华中农业大学资源与环境学院教授、博士生导师。华中农业大学环境工程专业学科主任。先后主持5项国家自然科学基金课题、2项国家科技支撑计划,1项国家水专项;1项水利部创新基金课题、参加2项湖北省重点科技攻关项目。参编专著和教材8部,曾为Environmental Toxicology, Int J SoilSediment and Water, African Journal of Biotechnology等国际刊物审稿;在Bioresource Technology, J Hazard Mater》,《Applied Surface Sci, Geoderma, Appl Clay Sci, Hydrobiologia等刊物上发表学术论文150余篇,已培养博士10人、硕士20人。



1995年 博士,华中农业大学

1988年 硕士,华中农业大学

1982年 学士,厦门大学



  1. 获湖北省人民政府科技进步一、三等奖各1项,湖北省重大科技成果各1
  2. 获授权国家发明专利3项,公开发明专利3



  1. 武少伟,朱端卫,周文兵,邓丽,铁锰硅对凤眼莲生物质结构的影响,光谱学与光谱分析,201131(4): 1087-1091
  2. 胡珊,刘广龙,朱端卫,硼掺杂的二氧化钛光催化剂的研究进展,材料导报,201024(11): 134-138
  3. 徐会玲,唐智勇,朱端卫,倪玲珊,菹草、伊乐藻对沉积物林形态及其上覆水水质的影响,湖泊科学,201022(3): 437-444
  4. 王华玲,赵建伟,程东升,刘玲花,戢正华,贺茂银,朱端卫,不同植被缓冲带对坡耕地地表径流中氮磷的拦截效果,农业环境科学学报,201029(9): 1730-1736
  5. Guanglong Liu; Shuijiao Liao; Duanwei Zhu; Linghua Liu; Dongsheng Cheng; Huaidong Zhou. Photodegradation of aniline by goethite doped with boron under ultraviolet and visible light irradiation. Materials Research Bulletin, 2011, 46: 1290-1295
  6. S. J. Liao, L.Y. Ren, D.W. Zhu, W.B. Zhou, J.Z. Cui, G.L. Liu. Response of Soil and Plant to Boron-doped Aluminum Hydroxide. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 2011, 42: 768–777
  7. Qiaoxia Yuan, Duanwei Zhu. Sensitivity responses of soil nitrate accumulation, pH and EC to soil moisture and N application rate in glasshouse soils compared with field soils. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2011, 9(1): 534-539
  8. Shuijiao Liao, Duanwei Zhu, Yue Li, Guanglong Liu, Linghua Liu. Photocatalytic degradation of aniline with boron-doped cryptomelane type manganese oxide. Reac Kinet Mech Cat, 2011, 102: 303-311
  9. Shuijiao Liao, Guanglong Liu, Duanwei Zhu, Yue Li, Liying Ren, Jingzhen Cui. Characterization and properties of boron-doped aluminum hydroxide for Mn2+ adsorption and soil acidification. Environ Earth Sci, 2011, 62(5): 1047-1054
  10. Zhou, W., Ge, X., Zhu, D., Langdon, A., Deng, L., Hua, Y., Zhao, J., Metal adsorption by quasi cellulose xanthogenates derived from aquatic and terrestrial plant materials, Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102: 3629-3631
  11. Guanglong Liu, Shuijiao Liao, Duanwei Zhu, Jingzhen Cui, Wenbing Zhou. Solid-phase photocatalytic degradation of polyethylene film with manganese oxide OMS-2. Solid State Sciences, 2011, 13: 88-94
  12. Jingzhen Cui, Liying Ren, Duanwei Zhu, Mingjian Geng and David Hamilton. Effects of boron-adsorbed goethite on soil acidity, the availability of soil boron in acid soils and rape (Brassica napus L.) growth. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 2010, 8 (3&4): 1373-1377
  13. Ni, Lingshan; Zhou, Wenbing; Zhu Duanwei; Hamilton, David P. Effects of nutrients on algae blooms with in-situ incubation in three lakes of Wuhan in China. 2010 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2010, June 18, 2010 - June 20, 2010. Chengdu, China. IEEE Computer Society, 445 Hoes Lane - P.O.Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States (DOI: 10.1109/ICBBE.2010.5516618)
  14. W. Liu, D.W. Zhu, D.H. Liu, X. Lu, M.J. Geng. Comparative metabolic activity related to flavonoid synthesis in leaves and flowers of Chrysanthemum morifolium in response to K deficiency. Plant Soil, 2010, 335: 325-337
  15. Liying Ren, Jingzhen Cui, Yuliang Dong, Duanwei Zhu, Shuijiao Liao, Mingjian Geng, David Hamilton. Plant availability of boron adsorbed or occulted on goethite to rape (Brassica napus L.) seedling. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2010, 41: 2220-2232
  16. Wei Liu; Duan-Wei Zhu; Da-Hui Liu; Ming-Jian Geng; Wen-Bing Zhou; Wei-Jie Mi; Te-Wu Yang; David Hamilton. Influence of nitrogen on the primary and secondary metabolism and the swing of flavonoids in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2010, 33 (2): 240-254
  17. Dahui Liu, Wei Liu, Duanwei Zhu, Mingjian Geng, Wenbing Zhou, and Tewu Yang. Nitrogen effects on total flavonoids, chlorogenic acid, and antioxidant activity of the medicinal plant Chrysanthemum morifolium. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 2010, 173: 268-274
  18. G.L. Liu, D.W. Zhu, W.B. Zhou, S.J. Liao, J.Z. Cui, K. Wu, D. Hamilton. Solid-phase photocatalytic degradation of polystyrene with goethite modified by boron under UV-vis light irradiation. Applied Surface Sci. 2010, 256: 2546-2551
  19. MI Weijie, YANG Tewu, ZHU Duanwei, ZHOU Yiyong, ZHOU Huaidong. Growth and Development of Potamogeton crispus L. in Different Sediments of Lake Taihu.第十三届世界湖泊大会论文集,北京,中国农业出版社,2010.4, pp2265~2272The 13th World Lake Conference, November, 2009, Wuhan, China.
  20. HUA Yumei, ZHONG Shaohui, ZHU Duanwei, ZHOU Wenbing, ZHAO Jianwei. Effect of Exterior Sulfate at Different Positions on the Mobility of Phosphorus in Lake Nanhu, Wuhan. 第十三届世界湖泊大会论文集,北京,中国农业出版社,2010.4, pp709~714The 13th World Lake Conference, November, 2009, Wuhan, China.