2001年 博士后,上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系
1999年 博士,西安电子科技大学通信工程学院
1988年 硕士,陕西师范大学数学系
Zheng Dong, LI Xiangxue, Chen Kefei. LFSR Based ring signature scheme, Chinese Journal of Electronics 16(3): 397-400, JUL. 2007(SCI), ISSN 1022-4653
Dong Zheng, Xiangxue Li, Kefei Chen. Linkable ring signature from linear feedback shift register. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4809: 716-727, 2007, Springer
Dong Zheng, Xiangxue Li, Kefei Chen. Code based ring signature scheme. International Journal of Network Security, 5(2): 154-157, 2007
Xiangxue Li, Dong Zheng, Kefeichen. Efficient blind signatures from linear feedback shift register. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4674: 423-425, 2007, Springer
Xiangxue Li, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen. LFSR-based signatures with message recovery. International Journal of Network Security, 4(3): 266-270, 2007
Xiangxue Li, Dong Zheng, Kefei Chen. Efficient linkable ring signatures and threshold signatures from linear feedback shift register. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4494: 95-106, 2007, Springer(ISTP)
D. Zheng, V. W. Wei, K. F. Chen, GDH group-based signature scheme with linkability, IEE Proceeding Communications 153 (5): 539-644 OCT. 2006 (SCI), ISSN 1350-2425
Zheng Dong, Zheng Yanfei, Fan wuying. Ising spin based error correcting private key cryptosystems. Journal of Shanghai JiaoTong University, E-11(2): 215-218, 2006 (EI )
Liu Shengli, Zheng dong, Chen kefei. Analysis of information leakage in quantum key agreement. Journal of Shanghai JiaoTong University E-11(2): 219-223, 2006 (EI)
Han wei, Zhang longjun, Zheng dong, Chen kefei. How to play e-lottery games via voting. Journal of Shanghai JiaoTong University E-11(2): 248-252, 2006 (EI 063510092051)