2006年5月至今 主任,景文科技大学射频量测中心
2010年7月 所长,景文科技大学电子系主任/计算机通讯研究所
2006年5月 总经理,耀登科技
Fong Chen, Chia-Mei Peng and Ching-Chih
Hung, “Compact Modified Penta-band Meander-line Antenna for Mobile Handsets
Applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagat. Lett., (Accepted), 2011.
Chia-Mei Peng, I-Fong Chen and Chia-Te
Chien, “A Novel Hexa-band Antenna for Mobile Handsets Application”, IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propagat., (Accepted), 2011. (SCI) (Corresponding author)
Chia-Mei Peng and I-Fong Chen, “Modeling
printed Monopole antenna with Coplanar Ground-plane by Gaussian filter model
analysis”, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics Mechanics,
(Accepted), 2011. (SCI) (Corresponding author)
Chia-Mei Peng, I-Fong Chen, Ching-Chih
Hung, Su-Mei Shen, Chia-Te Chien and Chih-Cheng Tseng, “Bandwidth Enhancement
of Internal Antenna by Using Reactive Loading for Penta-band Mobile Handset
Application”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol.59, No.5, pp.1728-1733,
May. 2011. (SCI)
Rung-Sheng Liu, I-Fong Chen, Chia-Mei Peng
and Wei-Shan Hsien, “Design of internal antenna for mobile-phone solving HAC”,
International Journal of Communication Information and Technology, Vo.4, No.2, pp. 63-68, Dec., 2009. (EI) (Corresponding author)
I-Fong Chen, Chia-Mei Peng and Ching-Chih
Hung, “A faster means to estimate SAR values for mobile phone applications”,
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagat. Lett., Vol.8, pp.994-997, Sep. 2009.
I-Fong Chenand Chia-Mei Peng, “A novel
reduced size edge-shorted patch antenna for UHF band applications”, IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagat. Lett., Vol.8, pp.475-477, Aug. 2009. (SCI)
I-Fong Chenand Chia-Mei Peng, “Printed
broadband monopole antenna for WLAN/WiMAX applications”, IEEE Antennas and
Wireless Propagat. Lett., Vol.8, pp.472-474, Aug. 2009. (SCI)
I-Fong Chen, Chia-Mei Peng, Ching-Chih Hung
and Han-Chao Chen, “Printed modified bow-tie dipole antenna for multi-band
applications”, IEICE Trans. On Communications, Vol.E92-B, No.4, pp.1404-1405.
April, 2009. (SCI)
I-Fong Chen, “Bandwidth Enhancement of a
Coupled Meander-line-feed High Gain Whip Antenna”, IEEE Trans. Antennas
Propagat., Vol.55, No.11, pp.3078-3082, Nov. 2007. (SCI)