1996年12月 博士,西北工业大学学位
1991年3月 硕士,西北工业大学电子工程系
1985年7月 学士,西北工业大学航海工程学院
2004年5月至今 教授,武汉理工大学信息学院
2000年8月 副教授,西北工业大学电子工程系
1993年3月 讲师,西北工业大学电子工程系信号与系统教研室
Yong Ke, Qiusi Fang, Ping’an Li, “A simple and
effective thredshold setting approach for PRACH detection in LTE system”, IEEE
ITCS2011. (EI)
Jian Tao, Ping’an Li, “An Improved
SLM Method for PAPR Reduction in OFDM systems”, IEEE ICWMMN 2010. (EI)
Juan Liu, Bin Wu, Ping’an Li, “on timing
offset and frequency offset estimation in LTE uplink”, IEEE
ICWCA2011. (EI)
Wenjuan Wei, Jian Tao, Ping'an Li,
"Simple and Efficient Channel Estimation Based on Dominant Taps Selection
for LTE OFDMA", 2010 6th International Conference on Wireless
Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2010, September 23, 2010-September 25, 2010. (EI)
Luo Chao, Li Ping’an, “An Efficient
Routing Approach as an Extension of the AODV Protocal”, IEEE ICFCC
2010. (EI)
Qin Tao, Li Pingan, “Transmit
Beamforming for Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Coded System in Rayleigh Fading
Environment”, IEEE WiCOM 2009. (EI)
Jin Xin’bo, Li Ping’an, Wang
Jiang’hai, “The Reach of Rotated Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes for
OFDM Communications Based on IEEE 802.16d”, IEEE WiCOM 2008. (EI)
Li Ping’an, K. Ben Letaief, “A blind RAKE
receiver with robust multipath interference cancellation for DS-CDMA systems”, IEEE Trans.
on Communications, vol.55, no.9, sept. 2007. pp.1793-1801. (SCI:9624617 EI: 073910835712)
Li Ping’an, “Simple and
efficient space-time channel and DOA estimation techniques for TD-SCDMA systems”, Journal of
Electronics (China) (电子科学期刊英文版) vol.23, No.5, 2006, pp.671-674