1992年9月至1997年8月 博士,中国科学院力学研究所流体力学专业
1988年9月至1992年7月 学士,北京航空航天大学飞行器设计与应用力学系
2000年5月至2004年5月 博士后、副研究员及研究员,香港理工大学
1997年10月至1999年10月 博士后,中山大学数学博士后流动站计算数学专业
Zhu QY, Chan CK. High Order Accurate Upwind
Compact Scheme and Simulation of Turbulent Premixed V-Flame, International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, accepted. 33626038
Zhu QY, Li Y. A Group Velocity Control
Technique for the Non-saturated Porous Organic Media, Journal of Computational
and Applied Mathematics, submitted. 200092
Zhu QY, Li Y. An Upwind Compact Approach
with Group Velocity Control for Compressible Flow Fields, International Journal
for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 44(5): 463-482(2004). 33623039
Yu HZ, Zhu QY, Yin XC. State Vector-a new
approach to predict large earthquakes, Progress in Natural Science, accepted.
Yu HZ, Zhu QY, Yin XC. Moment tensor
analysis shear fracture of rock sample, Progress in Natural Science, 15(7),
Li Y, Zhu QY. A model of coupled liquid
moisture and heat transfer in porous textiles with consideration of gravity,
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 43(5): 501-523(2003)
Li Y,Li FZ,Zhu QY,Numerical
Simulation of Virus diffusion in facemask during breathing cycles,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48: 4229-4242(2005)
Zhu QY, Li Y. Effects of pore size
distribution and fiber diameter on the coupled heat and liquid moisture
transfer in porous textiles, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
46(26): 5099-5111(2003)
Zhu QY, Yu HZ, Ma YW. Upwind Compact Scheme
and Numerical Simulation of Heat Flux, Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics
and Applications, 23(4): 33-41(2001). 33623039
Zhu QY, Li YS. Notes on UCGVC Scheme for
Euler Equations, Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications, 22(3):
73-84(2000). 33623037