




Master’s Degree (1982), Northwest Agricultural University (China)

Doctoral Degree (1997), University of Joensuu (Finland)


  1. Expert Subsidy of the State Council, designated by the State Council, China in 2007.(国务院政府特殊津贴)
  2. Chief Scientist in Ecology, designated by the Shanghai Municipal Government, China in 2006.(上海市优秀学科带头人)
  3. National Talent in the New Millennia, designated by the Ministry of National Personnel, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, and National Nature Science Foundation of China in 2004.(国家人事部、教育部等七部委首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选
  4. Expert with a brilliant contribution, designated by the Government of Sichuan Province, China in 2003.(四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家)


  1. Qiao, Y.-Z., Wang, K.-Y., Yeping. Wang, Y.-P., X. Yan, Li, Q.-C. 2007. A new viewpoint to understand the response of leaf Dark Respiration (Rd) to elevated CO2. Photosynthetica 45(4): 510~514
  2. Zhang, Y.-B., Wang, K.-Y., & Li, C.-Y. (in press). 2008. Leaf photosynthesis of Betula albosinensis seedlings as affected by elevated CO2 and planting density. Forest Ecology and Management 255:1937-1944
  3. Qiao, Y.-Z., Wang, K.-Y., Wang, Q. & Tian Q.-Z. 2008. Growth and Wood/Bark Properties of Abies faxoniana Seedlings as Affected by Elevated CO2. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50(3):25-36
  4. WU, F.-Z, Wang, K.-Y., Wu, Ning, Lu, Y.-J. 2009. Effect of stem density on leaf nutrient dynamics and nutrient use efficiency of dwarf Bamboo. Pedosphere 19(4),496-504
  5. Repo, T., Leinonen, I., Wang, K.-Y. & Hänninen, H. 2008. Relation between photosynthetic capacity and cold hardiness in Scots pine. Physiologia Plantarum 126(2):224-231
  6. Zha, T.-S., Wang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S., & Barr, A. G. 2007. Total and component carbon fluxes of a scots pine ecosystem from chamber measurements and eddy covariance. Annals of Botany 266:1-9
  7. Wang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S., Zha, T.-S., & Peltola, H. 2004. Component carbon fluxes and their contribution to ecosystem carbon exchange in a pine forest: an assessment based on eddy covariance measurements and an integrated model. Tree Physiology 24:19-34
  8. Wang, K.-Y. Kellomäki, S., Zha, T.-S. & Peltola, H. 2004. Seasonal variation of energy and water fluxes in a pine forest: an assessment based on eddy covariance measurements and an integrated model. Ecological Modelling 179: 259-279
  9. Zha, T.-S., Kellomäki, S., Wang, K.-Y., & Ismo, R. 2004. Carbon sequestration and ecosystem respiration for 2 years in a pine forest. Global Change Biology 10: 1492-1503
  10. ang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S., Li, C., & Zha, T.-S. 2003. Light and water-use efficiencies of pine seedlings exposed to elevated carbon dioxide and temperature. Annals of Botany 92: 53-64
  11. ang, K.-Y., Liu X., Peng S. 2006. Simulation of the biomass dynamics of Masson pine forest under different management. Journal of Forestry Research 17(4): 305-311
  12. ng, K.-Y., Kellomaki, S., Zha, T.-Y., & Peltola, H. 2005. Seasonal variation of sap flow and conductance of pine trees grown in elevated carbon dioxide and temperature. Journal of Experimental Botany 56: 155-165
  13. a, T.-S., Wang, K.-Y., Ryyppö, A., & Kellomäki, S. 2002. Needle dark respiration in relation to within-crown position in Scots pine trees grown in long-term elevation of CO2 concentration and temperature. New Phytologist 156: 33-42
  14. ng, K.-Y. Kellomaki, S. & Yang, W.-Q. 2004. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature on coniferous forest and perspectives to study on the subalpine coniferous forest in Western Sichuan. World Sci-Tech R & D 26 (2): 55-63
  15. ng, K.-Y., Qi Z.-M. & Yang, W.-Q. 2004. Biochemical property of organic matter layer in the arrow bamboo community at the subalpine of Western Sichuan. Acta Ecologica Sinica 24(6): 1230-1236
  16. ng, K.-Y., Zha, T.-S., & Kellomäki, S. 2002. Measuring and simulating crown respiration of Scots pine with increased temperature and carbon dioxide enrichment. Annals of botany 90: 325-335
  17. Wang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S., Li, C., & Zha, T.-S. 2003. Light- and water-use efficiencies of Scots pine shoots exposed to elevated carbon dioxide and temperature. Annals of Botany. 92: 53-64
  18. Wang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S., & Zha, T.-S. 2003. Modification in photosynthetic pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence in 20-year-old pine trees after a four-year exposure to carbon dioxide and temperature elevation. Photosynthtica 41(2): 167-175
  19. Wang, K.-Y. Qiao, Y.-Z. & Zhang,Y.-B. 2003. Woody plants respond to interactions between elevated CO2 and increased temperature. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 27(3): 304-310
  20. Li, C. & Wang, K.-Y. 2003. Differences in drought responses of three contrasting Eucalyptus microtheca F. Muell. populations. Forest Ecology and Management 179: 377-385