
邓西平,博士,现任黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室副主任、研究员,博士生导师。在中国科学院、水利部水土保持研究所获理学硕士学位。日本鸟取大学获农学博士学位,2004年度被评为享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。为第八届中国植物生理学会营养与环境生理专业委员会委员,陕西省植物学会理事,《Outlook on Agriculture 》杂志编委(SCI,英国),《中国农业科学》、《植物生态学报》和《麦类作物学报》审稿人。






2004年 博士,日本鸟取大学

1988年 硕士,中国科学院

1982年 学士,西北大学



  1. Y Yanyuan Lu, Maria Alejandra Equizab, Xiping Deng* and Melvin T. Tyree Recovery of Populus tremuloides seedlings following severe drought causing total leaf mortality and extreme stem embolism. Physiologia Plantarum, 2010, 140(3): 246-257
  2. Yanyuan Lu, Xiping Deng*, Sang-Soo Kwak. Over expression of CuZn superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in transgenic sweet potato enhances tolerance and recovery from drought stress. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2010, 949: 8378-8391
  3. Wen-Bin Wang, Yun-Hee Kim, Haeng-Soon Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Xi-Ping Deng*, Sang-Soo Kwak. Analysis of antioxidant enzyme activity during germination of alfalfa under salt and drought stresses. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2009, 47(7): 570-577
  4. Bin-Bin LIU, Ernst STEUDLE, Xi-Ping DENG*, and Sui-Qi ZHANG. Root pressure probe can be used to measure the hydraulic properties of whole root systems of corn (Zea mays L.) Botanical Studies (2009) 50: 303-310
  5. Wen-Bin Wang,Yun-Hee Kim, Haeng-Soon Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Xi-Ping Deng*, Sang-Soo Kwak. Differential antioxidation activities in two alfalfa cultivars under chilling stress. Plant Biotechnology Reports. 2009, 3(4) 301-307