Happiness Education for Primary and Middle School Students under the Guidance of Education Ecological Ideas
摘要: 当前,在我国中小学教育中学生的幸福教育存在着许多误区,如享乐主义、功利主义、虚荣心等。如果这些问题不能及时得到解决,将会给我国的教育事业带来很多的负面影响。现从教育生态学的视角对中小学生的幸福教育进行探究,提出建议,希望对当下中小学生的幸福成长有所帮助。 At present, there exists much misunderstanding in the happiness education for primary and middle school students in our country, such as hedonism, utilitarianism, vanity, etc. It will bring about lots of negative effects to the education in our country if these problems can not be solved in time. This article attempts to investigate the happiness education for primary and middle school students from the perspective of education ecology and put forward suggestions to the primary and middle school students so as to they grow up happily.

文章引用:陈余丹. 教育生态理念指导下的中小学生幸福教育[J]. 职业教育发展, 2012, 1(2): 37-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/VE.2012.12009


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