Analysis of Complications Caused by Interventional Therapy for Cerebrovascular Disease
DOI: 10.12677/MD.2013.34009, PDF, HTML,   
作者: 周祝谦, 李衍滨, 李桂杰, 程永帅:介入诊疗科,山东大学附属千佛山医院,济南
关键词: 脑血管病介入治疗并发症Cerebrovascular Disease; Interventional Therapy; Complications
摘要: 目的:探讨脑血管病介入治疗并发症的原因及治疗对策。方法:对50例行脑血管病介入治疗后6例出现并发症患者的病史资料、产生原因和处理进行分析。结果6例患者出现并发症其中动脉瘤破裂1例、血管痉挛1例、支架轻微移位1例、颈部支架塌陷1例、弹簧圈末端逸出1例、保护伞收回失败1例,其发生各有原因。结论:术前对脑血管病患者准确评估、正确运用各种新型介入技术与材料,临床经验和及时处理可明显减少并发症的发生。 Objective: To explore the causes of complications after interventional therapy for cerebrovascular disease, and prevention or therapy methods. Methods: 50 cases of patients were given intervetinal therapy for their cerebralvascular diseases with 6 patients later having complications. The causes, patient disease history and treatments were analyzed. Results: 6 patients got aneurysm rupture, angiospasm, bracket slight displacement, cervical part bracket collapse, extreme of circlip ring divergency, failture in taking back preventive filter devices, respectively, and their causes were quite different according to treatments. Conclusion: Accurate assessment of each patient’s cerebrovascular disease, right application of various neotype intervention techniques and materials, the doctor’s clinical experience, and immediate treatments, were all of great importance in reducing complications.
文章引用:周祝谦, 李衍滨, 李桂杰, 程永帅. 脑血管病介入治疗并发症分析[J]. 医学诊断, 2013, 3(4): 42-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MD.2013.34009


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