Selection of Surge Arrester in Practical Engineering
摘要: 避雷器是电力系统中主要的防雷保护装置之一,避雷器的选择不但决定着其它配电装置和电气设备的绝缘水平的选择,还对产生过电压时继电保护的正确动作起着非常重要的作用。本文对各种避雷器的特性进行了介绍及分析,并重点提出了无间隙氧化锌避雷器的选择方法。
Abstract: Surge arrester is one of the main lightning protection devices in power system. The selection of surge arrester not only determines the insulation level of other power distribution equipments and electrical equipments, but also plays a very important role in the correct operation of relays when overvoltage occurs. In this paper, the various characteris- tics of the surge arrester are introduced and analyzed, and special stress is laid on analyzing methods of choosing zinc oxide arrester.
文章引用:赵轶珏. 工程实际中避雷器的选择[J]. 输配电工程与技术, 2013, 2(4): 78-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/TDET.2013.24013