The Pathophysiological Significance of the Gamma Frequency Band Neural Oscillation
DOI: 10.12677/IJPN.2013.24006, PDF, HTML,   
作者: 周永霞:新乡医学院, 新乡;侯丽君:新乡医学院第三附属医院,新乡;姜洪波*:新乡医学院, 新乡;新乡医学院第三附属医院,新乡
关键词: Gamma振荡海马抑制性中间神经元网络精神疾病Gamma Band Oscillation; Hippocampus; Inhibitory Interneuron Network; Mental Disease
摘要: 海马的Gamma神经振荡是频率范围在30~100 Hz内的一种脑内神经元同步化活动,抑制性中间神经元组成的神经网络是产生此高频节律性活动的主要发生器。已有研究表明,Gamma神经振荡不仅有着复杂的生理机能,而且与多种精神疾病过程有关。本文较为详细地阐述了脑电Gamma振荡产生的机制、生理和病理生理意义等。
Abstract:  Gamma oscillation in the hippocampus ranges from 30 to 100 Hz. Inhibitory interneuron network is considered as the main generator which generates the gamma oscillation. Existing studies have shown that gamma oscillation has a complex physiology and is associated with a variety of mental disease processes. More detailed records about the mechanism of production, the physiological and pathophysiological significance of gamma band oscillation and so on are elaborated in this paper.
文章引用:周永霞, 侯丽君, 姜洪波. Gamma神经振荡的病理生理意义[J]. 国际神经精神科学杂志, 2013, 2(4): 21-25.


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