弱 Berwald 双挠积 Finsler 度量
Weakly Berwald Doubly-Twisted Product Finsler Metrics
DOI: 10.12677/PM.2021.117156, PDF, HTML,    国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 邓香香, 何 勇*, 倪琪慧:新疆师范大学数学科学学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐
关键词: Finsler 度量双挠积弱 Berwald 度量迷向平均 Berwald 曲率Finsler Metrics Doubly Twisted Product Weakly Berwald Metrics Isotropic Mean Berwald Curvature
摘要: 本文主要研究了双挠积 Finsler 度量的平均 Berwald 曲率和迷向平均 Berwald 曲率,给出了双 挠积 Finsler 度量是弱 Berwald 度量的充要条件,证明了在一定条件下具有迷向平均 Berwald 曲率的双挠积 Finsler 度量是弱 Berwald 度量。
Abstract: This paper mainly studies the mean Berwald curvature and isotropic mean Berwald curvature doubly-twisted product of Finsler metrics. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the doubly-twisted product of Finsler metrics are weakly Berwald metrics. It is proved that under certain conditions the doubly-twisted product of Finsler metrics with isotropic mean Berwald curvature is weakly Berwald metrics.
文章引用:邓香香, 何勇, 倪琪慧. 弱 Berwald 双挠积 Finsler 度量[J]. 理论数学, 2021, 11(7): 1389-1399. https://doi.org/10.12677/PM.2021.117156


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