拟-Gorenstein 平坦模与维数
Quasi-Gorenstein Flat Modules andDimensions
摘要: 本文主要研究了拟-Gorenstein平坦模及其基本性质,并探讨了其相对于短正合列的有关结论。同时,描述了有限拟-Gorenstein平坦同调维数。
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate quasi-Gorenstein flat modules and their basic properties, and study the relative conclusions of this module class respect to short exact sequence. Simultaneously, we describe finite quasi-Gorenstein flat homological dimensions.
文章引用:辛红娟. 拟-Gorenstein 平坦模与维数[J]. 理论数学, 2023, 13(5): 1440-1446. https://doi.org/10.12677/PM.2023.135148


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