A Probe into the Thoughts of Confucian “Music Teaching” in “Li Ji • Music Ji”
摘要: “乐教”思想是儒家美育思想的重要内容,《礼记•乐记》作为我国古代第一部系统的音乐理论篇目,也是探析儒家乐教思想的必读经典。《礼记•乐记》系统阐述了“声”、“音”、“乐”三者的关系,并将“乐”作为具有教化作用“德音”与人的性情紧密联系,在“乐”的起源上为“乐教”发生的提供了理论基础,并从“治心”和“知政”两个角度具体阐述了“乐教”的功能,并指向儒家乐教理想“和”的精神。
The thought of “music education” is an important content of Confucian aesthetic education. As the first systematic article of music theory in ancient China, “Li Ji • Music Ji” is also a must-read classic for exploring Confucian music education. “Li Ji • Music Ji” systematically expounds the relationship between “sound”, “sound” and “music”, and regards “music” as a moral “Deyin” closely related to people’s temperament. It provides a theoretical basis for the occurrence of “music education” from the origin of “music”, and elaborates the functions of “music education” from the perspectives of “governing the heart” and “knowing politics”. It also points to the spirit of “harmony”, the ideal of Confucian music teaching.
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