On Klafki’s Influence on German Teacher Education Reform
DOI: 10.12677/VE.2012.11002, PDF, HTML, XML,    国家科技经费支持
作者: 陈锋*:华东师范大学教育学系,上海
关键词: 精神科学教育学教师教育范畴与范例教化Geisteswissenschaften P?dagogik; Teacher Education; Category and Example; Bildung
摘要: 长期在德国教育界占据主导地位的精神科学教育学在50年代以后面临危机。源起于法兰克福学派的社会批判和意识形态批判理论,实证主义的经验科学取向,与传统的人文精神科学解释学路径发生了冲突与融合。外部的教师教育体制变革则传达了这一过程。同时克拉夫基也呼吁德国教育体制的进一步民主化、综合化、多样化变革。内部方面,传统的教化观在此转化为范畴与范例教学,深刻影响了课堂教学实务。
Abstract: Geisteswissenschaften Pädagogik dominating German education circles for a long term witnessed crises after the 1950s. The critical theory of society and ideology from Frankfurt School, the orientation of positivistic experience sciences and the traditional hermeneutics way of human Geisteswissenschaften had undergone a progress of confliction and fusion which the external regime reform of teacher education relaid. Klafki also appealled for further reforms of German education regime on democratization, synthesization and diversification. Herein the traditional overlook of bildung was transformed into category and example teaching deeply influencing classroom reality.
文章引用:陈锋. 论克拉夫基对德国教师教育变革的影响[J]. 职业教育发展, 2012, 1(1): 7-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/VE.2012.11002


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