The Designing and Realizing of the Detection and Control of Environment Temperature and Optical Intensity
摘要: 本文设计对各种环境下的温度和光强的实时监测的装置,把检测得到的数据进行实时显示,从而实现人机交互,而且用户可以设置期望温度,通过检测得到的数据和用户值比较,最后启动后续的控制模块来对温度实施调节。该装置基于AT89S52单片机,对温度传感器DS18B20和光强传感器光敏电阻采集的温度和光强信息进行相关处理,然后送到人机接口界面液晶显示模块FYD12864进行显示。并对采集的数据进行分析处理和预设值比较,从而实现对环境中温度和光强的控制并对超标数据进行报警。
This device is designed to monitor the temperature and optical intensity in specific entironment and situation, and then to carry out the related follow-up treatment and control. The device is based on microcomputer AT89S52 to manage the information collected by the temperature sensor monolithic integrated circuits DS18B20, light intensity sensors and light-sensitive resistance. And the managed result is displayed by the man-machine interface FYD12864. After that, the collected data is analyzed and compared with the predicted data, and then it will give an alarm when the data exceeds the provided standard.