Pseudo Almost Periodic Solution of Bidirectional Co-hen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Distributed Delays
摘要: 利用不动点定理和不等式分析技巧,研究了一类具分布时滞的双向Cohen-Grossberg神经网络模型,得到了一个新的充分条件,确保该模型伪概周期解存在性与唯一性,最后用一个实例说明所得结论的正确性
Abstract: In this paper, by using fixed point theorem and inequality techniques, a new sufficient condition is obtained to ensure the existence and unique for the pseudo almost periodic solution of a class bidirectional Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with distributed delays. An example is given to illustrate the correctness of our discussions.
文章引用:向红军, 魏叶梅, 王金华. 具分布时滞双向Cohen-Grossberg模型的伪概周期解[J]. 理论数学, 2013, 3(1): 31-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/PM.2013.31006


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